International Literacy Day 2022

Elite Words is built upon and defined by the word ‘literacy’. Without it, we wouldn’t want to imagine where we would be. So, we are thrilled to let you all know about International Literacy Day 2022.

If you are unsure about what literacy means, it’s based on the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively. It’s one of the pillars that Elite Words was built upon. Having the ability to read, write, speak and listen are vital as it’s how we learn, teach, and forms a part of who we are.

That’s why for the last 55 years, International Literacy Day has been celebrated on the 8 September. UNESCO created this day to remind all communities of the importance of literacy and the need to continue our efforts in improving literacy in all cultures around the world.

The first International Literacy Day took place on 8 September 1967, and each year has a different theme. This year that theme is ‘Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces’.

The idea behind this, is to have these spaces which will allow illiterate people around the world to develop resiliency as well as ensuring a good quality and all-encompassing education.

Why is literacy important to everyone?

Literacy helps people to create opportunities, learn and hone skills that will ultimately benefit everyone around them. It helps people provide for not only themselves, but also family and friends. So, with that being said, here are three reasons why literacy is so important.

  1. Brain Health

Reading and writing are like going to the gym for your brain! Just like the gym is essential for your physical health, reading and writing are essential for your brain health. Keeping your mind active will help your brain cells to keep healthy as you get older, and it ultimately reduces your chances of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia later in life.

  1. Effective communication

Having literacy skills significantly improves our ability to communicate and express the different feelings, thoughts, and emotions we experience every day. Being able to effectively communicate allows you to do more in life, have friends and a good support network around you which is vital to who you are.

  1. Knowledge is a powerful tool

Knowledge can help so many people all over the world. Being able to teach yourself new and exciting skills can help get you out of tough situations. Being knowledgeable helps us out every single day. Plus, it’s fun to learn so why not acquire as much of it as you can!

The harsh truth

There are close to 8 billion people in the world today. Despite International Literacy Day being around for more than half a decade, there are at least 771 million people who lack basic literacy skills and without this commemorative day, that number would be a lot higher. That’s close to 10% of people today who do not have the basic understanding of how to read, write, speak, and listen effectively.

On top of one-tenth of the population not having these skills, due to the pandemic, there are nearly 24 million people who may never return to formal education. It’s our job to help improve this number and do what we can to make sure that no one is left behind.

The silver lining

Speaking about leaving no one behind, UNESCO will be hosting a global event on 8-9 September. This two day international event will take place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

At this event, the 2022 UNESCO International Literacy prizes award ceremony will be the platform to announce the upcoming literacy practices and programs for the next year.

Since 1967, International Literacy prizes have been awarded by UNESCO to proficient and ground-breaking programs that promote literacy. The lucrative prizes have been awarded to 506 separate initiatives, managed by governments and not-for-profit organisations globally.

There are currently two UNESCO International Literacy prizes. These two prizes will be awarded to three different prize winners. The two prizes are named The UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize (established in 1989) and The UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy (established in 2005). The six prizewinners will win a medal, a diploma and over $25,000 each.

The official ceremony will take place on International Literacy Day in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

Fun ways to celebrate International Literacy Day 2022

If you want to help celebrate and commemorate this day, you don’t have to do it on a huge scale and honestly, every little bit counts.

Here’s how you can honour International Literacy Day 2022:

  • donate books that have been collecting dust
  • donate to a literacy charity
  • make your way to your local library
  • partner with a literacy organisation
  • read a book you have been meaning to read
  • tutor a student and assist them in reading and writing.

So, prepare to book out your calendar for 8 September 2022, because you’re going to be busy reading and writing the whole day.

If you choose not to do any reading or writing then leave that to the team, here, at Elite Words. We are a team of copywriters who love the art of reading and writing and if your business requires any copywriting or copyediting, leave it to us.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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